- Spring 2022: Computer Networks (5 ECTS)
- Education: 2nd semester, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
- Number of students: 18
- Teachers: Asst. Prof. Ignacio Rodriguez, Ph.D. Student Sebastian B. Damsgaard
- Fall 2021: Wireless Communications for Industry 4.0 (2 ECTS)
- Education: Ph.D. in Wireless Communications
- Number of students: 8
- Teachers: Assoc. Prof. Gilberto Berardinelli, Asst. Prof. Ignacio Rodriguez, Prof. Klaus Pedersen, Prof. Ole Madsen
- Spring 2021: Computer Networks (5 ECTS)
- Education: 2nd semester, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
- Number of students: 23
- Teachers: Asst. Prof. Ignacio Rodriguez
- Fall 2020: Wireless Communications for Industry 4.0 (2 ECTS)
- Education: Ph.D. in Wireless Communications
- Number of students: 9 (7 on-site + 2 remotely from Germany)
- Teachers: Assoc. Prof. Gilberto Berardinelli, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez, Prof. Klaus Pedersen, Prof. Ole Madsen
- Spring 2020: Computer Networks (5 ECTS)
- Education: 2nd semester, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
- Number of students: 21
- Teachers: Assoc. Prof. Rasmus L. Ølsen, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez
- Fall 2018: Distributed Systems (5 ECTS)
- Education: 3rd semester, B.Sc. in IT Communication and New Media, AAU Copenhagen
- Number of students: 47
- Teachers: Assoc. Prof. Rasmus L. Ølsen, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez
- Spring 2018: ICT and System Development (5 ECTS)
- Education: 7th semester, M.Sc. in Construction Management and Building Informatics
- Number of students: 11
- Teachers: Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez, Assoc. Prof. Mads Lauridsen
- Fall 2017: Distributed Systems (5 ECTS)
- Education: 3rd semester, B.Sc. in IT Communication and New Media, AAU Copenhagen
- Number of students: 28
- Teachers: Assoc. Prof. Rasmus L. Ølsen, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez
- Spring 2017: ICT and System Development (5 ECTS)
- Education: 7th semester, M.Sc. in Construction Management and Building Informatics
- Number of students: 8
- Teachers: Assoc. Prof. Daniel E. Lucani, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez
Regular Semester Project Supervision
- "Follow-me camera-drone" (Spring 2022)
- Project details: group B204, 2nd semester project, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
- Supervisors: Asst. Prof. Ignacio Rodriguez, Postdoc Melisa Lopez
- "Building Support Pinpointing - Improvement of AAU building support" (Fall 2021)
- Project details: group B303c, 1st semester project, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
- Supervisors: Asst. Prof. Ignacio Rodriguez
- "Remote inspection and exploration using a drone camera" (Spring 2021)
- Project details: group B211, 2nd semester project, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
- Supervisors: Asst. Prof. Ignacio Rodriguez
- "Remote Inspection and Exploration through Camera-Drones" (Spring 2021)
- Project details: group B213, 2nd semester project, B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
- Supervisors: Asst. Prof. Ignacio Rodriguez
- "Emergency Health Care System" (Fall 2018)
- Project details: group 310, 3rd semester project, B.Sc. in IT Communication and New Media, AAU Copenhagen
- Supervisors: Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez, Assoc. Prof. Jannick K. Sørensen
- "SmartFridge - a distributed system using image recognition to improve users' grocery shopping" (Fall 2018)
- Project details: group 307, 3rd semester project, B.Sc. in IT Communication and New Media, AAU Copenhagen
- Supervisors: Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez, Assoc. Prof. Jannick K. Sørensen
- "The perfect steak app" (Fall 2018)
- Project details: group 305, 3rd semester project, B.Sc. in IT Communication and New Media, AAU Copenhagen
- Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Jannick K. Sørensen, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez
- "Smart Door" (Fall 2018)
- Project details: group 304, 3rd semester project, B.Sc. in IT Communication and New Media, AAU Copenhagen
- Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Jannick K. Sørensen, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez
- "P2P Offline Emergency Communication System" (Fall 2017)
- Project details: group 307, 3rd semester project, B.Sc. in IT Communication and New Media, AAU Copenhagen
- Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Jannick K. Sørensen, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez
- "Awesome Alarm - Always Aware" (Fall 2017)
- Project details: group 302, 3rd semester project, B.Sc. in IT Communication and New Media, AAU Copenhagen
- Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Lene T. Sørensen, Postdoc Ignacio Rodriguez